Monday, October 17, 2011

Gender Differences

Social Relationships
Adolescent and adult women are more trusting (3.0%), agreeable and tender (17.2%). Women are more likely to smile (3.8%), especially in social situations (5.0%). Though they are also more neurotic and anxious (2.5%). Women are better at speaking (2.7%) and recognizing the emotions of others (3.0%). Men are more likely to interrupt during a conversation (2.7%). At least when others are around, men are more likely to help others in distress (12.0%).
Body image is a greater concern for women in forming their self-esteem (7.8%). Men are more likely to masturbate (18.7%). Casual sex is more appealing to men than women (14.1%).

Sunday, October 9, 2011

the forgetting

Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s is the most common type do dementia, that affect memory and behavior.  The symptoms develop slowly at first, but get worst over time. While the loss of memory with age is a common  and normal thing, Alzheimer’s is not. Alzheimer’s symptoms worsen over time, first just affecting a persons ability to remember things but in later stages of the disease individuals lose the ability to carry on a conversation and respond to their environment. Alzheimer’s is also the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, people with Alzheimer’s are likely to live only 8 years after symptoms become visible. The majority of people with Alzheimer’s are 65 year or old, however Alzheimer's also has  younger-onset, which appears at the ages of 40-50.  Alzheimer’s is caused by Two abnormal structures called plaques and tangles that block communication among nerve cells and disrupt the processes that cells need to survive.  Alzheimer’s affect is worst on the family members of a patient, having the disease is bad, but having to watch some you love slowly forget who you are and than who they are is why this disease is so awful. I person thing that Alzheimer’s is a sad disease because of the affect it has on family and friends of a patient, however I do believe that there are more important disease out there.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

H. M., an Unforgettable Amnesiac

As a child H.M. suffered from Seizure disorder called Epilepsy. In 1953 he underwent an experimental brain operation in Hartford, to try an correct his seizures, however the operation while it did stop the seizures also affected his memory. He could remember every thing that had happened in his life before the operation, but all his memories of what was happening to him, he could not remember. Every time he met a friend, ate something, read something, went some where it was for the first time. He lived this way for 55 years, at the age of 82 he died. H.M. is a very important patient in the history of brain science, his case helps scientists understand the biology of learning, memory and physical dexterity. Before him, Many scientist believed that memory was widely distributed throughout the brain, that it was not in one place or region, H.M. case however showed that this was not true. Scientists later began to see that at least two systems in the brain are use for creating new memories,declarative memory, which is things like records names, faces and new experiences, are stored in these systems until they are consciously retrieved. This system needs the use of medial temporal areas, chiefly a organ called the hippo-campus.