Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Unethical experiments

The Aversion Project

The aversion project was not so much of an experiment as it was a project. In 1970’s and 80’s experiments such as chemical castration, electric shock, and other unethical medical experiments were done to lesbians and gays in the military in order to remove homosexuality from the military. If these experiments did not work patients were forced to have a sex change. The exact number of people who were  sent to these military psychiatric units is unknown, however it is estimated that around 900 forced ‘sexual reassignment’ were performed between 1970 and 1980. This experiment, in my opinion is very unethical, not only because it violated human rights in general but it was also done for no real reason. The experiment wasn’t done to try and prove something it was merely done for reasons that  I can’t even begin to understand. While some people may think that being gay or lesbian goes against god, that should have nothing to do with a persons willingness to serve their country. While during this period in time there was drafting going on, if having a gay in the army was so bad, they shouldn’t have chosen them to begin with.

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